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Hi, I'm Kia Bo Roi.

I help you increase your sales, increase your profits and develop a Winning Marketing strategy with my work team and my hand.

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Marketing strategy

Our chameleonic marketing strategy seeks to impact our clients, (and the clients of your clients),  by creating an environment, a character or several, tailored to your needs, in our media stories and scripts cinematographic


These narratives are translated into audiovisual language in productions and co-productions (programs and series), in strategic alliance with local-regional and national programmers, as well as country by country from our Mosorau E streaming platform .


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Tools (SEO) positioning on the web & Planning of the Digital Presence

Our streaming platform Mosorau E launches original, independent, and unique content to the national market in 2022, and internationally from 2023.


The first chapters of our series, translated and dubbed into (9) nine languages each year, to later be dispersed and disseminated in print, social networks, TV, and on our streaming platform, are leveraged by local-regional-national and international.


This fusion between reality and the need for sale expressed by our client or corporate ally, translates into showing a fictional scenario mixed with reality, through a new story, or through the intervention of a character (our client) within that same story, which in practical terms shows how the product or service that is offered operates in the daily life of ordinary citizens?


This subtle handling of language and its translation into the audiovisual world  achieves the positioning of the brand and the branding of our clients, while promoting the acceleration of sales in the local-regional-national and international market .


On the other hand, by purchasing the four-year package, our corporate clients and strategic allies have the opportunity to promote their products and services by placing the link of their web pages in the market place managed by our streaming platform. during the first (2) two years, at no additional cost to the value they pay with us.


From the year (3) our client enjoys the location of the link of his web page in the market place of our platform and he recognizes Mosorau E, only one (1.5%) one point five percent of his annual global income by country, after taxes .


​The foregoing ensures the development of any business, product or service in an effective, massive, forceful and successful manner.

Planning & writing of Email Marketing


Thanks to our series and programs, which are broadcast in strategic alliance with local-regional-national programmers, country by country.


And prior to the official launch of our streaming platform   Mosorau E, we managed to massively impact our viewers and new customers with the products and services of those who hire us, in the regional, national and international markets.


On the other hand, thanks to our commercial strategy teams and the strategy of dissemination and dispersion of short advertising spots of (10) ten, (20) twenty, (30) thirty seconds or visual and auditory podcast of (30) thirty seconds to (1) one, (2) two, (3) three minutes in emails and from our social networks, we managed to generate the necessary expectation so that whoever sees our work buys the  products and services of our clients .


Return on investment and Profitability.


Whether you are a small, medium or large corporate client, as well as if you are a programmer or producer interested in making your audiovisual products known, our four-year packages (4 years) offer you the possibility of being massively visible at an incredible and fair price for your pocket


​ We return your investment in full within a period of (6) six, (12) twelve and (18) eighteen months.


At the return of your investment return, we give you your profitability, which is reflected when we pay, for the second time, the same amount of what you invested in our work.


This profitability is due to the fact that our commercial strategy team achieves the growth of your business with new clients that we obtain for you.


Our clients are your new clients thanks to our talks, audio and visual podcasts, emotional counseling packages, conferences and live shows.

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©2022 Proudly created by Kia Bo Roi &

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