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Brotes morados

Kia's Story,
The Buddha Woman

My early childhood

My biological parents decided to leave me in the arms of my adoptive father and mother at the age of (2) two years. From that moment, they became my angels and staunch protectors. His love, strength and courage towards my life taught me to be strong and brave in the face of adversity. 


My puberty

I was declared a child genius, a savant at the age of (10) ten years old, since during my early childhood, from (5) five to (12) twelve years old I suffered from autism. He spoke only with the animals, the plants and the great silence that inhabits the subtlety of the garden that was in my house.


When I spoke for the first time, when I was (13) thirteen years old, I became the best speaker in the city's schools, and I had already learned (2) two languages other than Spanish: English and French.


I finished my high school studies at the age of (14) fourteen years old and left home while still a pubertal girl.


My studies

I started my university studies in Philology and languages. This allowed me to learn ancient Greek and Latin, as well as a (5th) fifth language: Portuguese; that is to say, I learned to speak my mother tongue with property, accuracy and a prolific vocabulary, as well as new languages in record time to the standard.


This superior skill with languages and language games allowed me to insert myself into the world of academy at my (22) twenty-two years old, start a diploma in cultural anthropology, a master's degree in International Relations and learn throughout the years about (12) twelve languages in order to translate my research on emotions to the world.


My nature of wanting to eat life in one fell swoop allowed me to become a university professor for the Javeriana University, a professor and Area Coordinator for the Social Communication program at the UCC, a professor for the District University, INPAHU, Sergio Arboleda, and como  Social researcher for the international PEN through the Faculty of Languages and Literature of the Universidad de los  Andes, as well as Research Coordinator for the Center for Studies on Latin American integration (CESI) of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.


Thanks to my studies on emotions, I became an emotional advisor for high-level executives, political leaders, government advisors at the governmental and intergovernmental level in Colombia, Switzerland and Panama. 


After that, I was accepted as a candidate for an MBA in executive coaching in Mendoza-Argentina; to a master's degree in Public Policy and Human Development at the United Nations University and the University of Maastricht in Maastricht- The Netherlands. 


My working life as an academic as a pubertal teenager .

I started my working life when I was barely (16) sixteen years old. I know that in a country like Colombia, where children work from their (4) four to (5) five years of age in the street, my age does not surprise anyone.


However, leaving home while I was still in my teens, and starting my working life at an early age, quickly prepared me for the profound understanding that I had to learn in a focused, attentive, fast manner, without delay, and that each learning I was not to exceed two (2) to three (3) weeks of my time.


In the case of professional tasks of greater expertise, I managed to master the skills, knowledge and large amounts of information between (2) two and (3) three months. Which is why I had multiple jobs, I read (2) two to (3) three books a day and developed multiple skills at an accelerated rate in each place I arrived.


This nature that has accompanied me due to my hyper accelerated learning, generated boredom in me when I had learned what was necessary.  Reason why, my working time in the workplace did not exceed (2 ) two a  (6) six months of my calendar.


On many occasions I felt sad, depressed, frustrated for not fitting in and going at the slow pace that the labor system imposed on the majority. For a time I became someone misunderstood, even for myself.  ​ For this reason I decided to hide my nature, keep silent and only share what I learned with my mother, some very close friends, with myself, or with my animals, who have always been, in my life, my great friends.


My adolescence

During my adolescence and youth I experienced emotional ups and downs that torpedoed and sabotaged the recognition of my greatness. Which is why it took me about twenty (20) years to accept that he was someone with a genius above normal.


Over the years and as I learned how my kaleidoscopic mind worked, I understood that I should not continue to hide my nature, nor be sad for "not fitting into the system". I learned to accept and love my weird and strange way of being.


​Now, having managed to walk and remember a lot of information as I passed through this planet, what remains of that process lived is having set with fire in my soul that:


The formula to achieve success in the midst of the vicissitudes of life and destiny is always accompanied by courage,  patience,  perseverance, determination and loving compassion for yourself same. Since to avoid turning my reflection into its own rival and enemy, you must always be attentive to your own karma in order to defeat it.


This described process of emotional healing of one's own self needs to be accompanied by strong amounts of love, creativity,   passion and a powerful will to achieve any goal that one sets out in this dimensional plane.


Living on this planet is not an easy task, but if you have great reserves of music, joy, imagination and love for the God of pure light and pure love in the mysterious heart,  transit through this territory can become a unique, magical and fun experience.


My youth

Polishing one's character, in the midst of a body inhabited by rude tendencies, sometimes constitutes martyrdom or deep joy. It all depends on how the materials and difficulties are used as practical tools to create a new and better version of oneself.


If you are attentive to each of these considerations, anyone will manage to turn their weak spirit into a very large and powerful one, despite understanding that darkness is always lurking in the way.


It requires that you make an effort to learn to love and want to pole vault the small universe of obstacles. That is the first lesson to inhabit and find a place that belongs to you on this world.



The universe of light gave me, in turn, the gifts of the word, the arts, dance and writing as wonderful tools that allow me to understand and communicate assertively what is found in the interworld of human emotions, the animals, the plants and the non-human that inhabit this dimensional plane.



Thanks to my gifts of clairvoyance and mediumship, since the age of (5) five years I have a connection with the subtlety of the invisible that governs the visible. Thanks to these gifts I can understand the emotions of others.


My life as a business woman

My work and business specialty from Mosorau E , during the first (15) fifteen years of creation and growth over time of my company, is directed to the study, research and deep knowledge of human and non-human emotions.


This allowed me to dedicate myself to the correlations that exist between emotion and the economy of people, communities and States at the micro and macro economic levels.


​I have managed to alchemically transmute this expertise as CEO and founder of my company throughout my first thirty (30) years.



The above has allowed me


Developing a package

Neuromarketing Strategies

that help our clients

to know and identify

both the deep need of customers,

well be these strategic allies

or corporate small, medium

and large wingspan;

as well as the deep emotional need

of the new customer market

You want to have a commercial impact.


Our work

93 A Street No 19-50. Chicó Alto.  Bogotá, Colombia. South America.

Tel Assistant Admin & RH 

Lucero Chacon :

+ (57) 321-477-07 82 .

+ (57) 302 700 33 18.

Production Assistant Tel. and C. Artistic Lisa Kida :

+ (57) 319-721-20 41 .

+ (57) 321 936 02 84 (whatsapp)..

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