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globos aerostáticos


Walking with the pack

Series that mixes story telling, fiction thriller, documentary, and drama of (12) chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, in which the story of Kia's (9) nine dogs (Itoshi, Nala, Pony Li, and the (6) six puppies Shizu, Soet Heid, Okami, Haoki Xin, Hikari, Joie) who were kidnapped by an unscrupulous Nursery Director, who resists the delivery and receiving his payment, while delaying the time to increase money obtained through fraudulent internment, illegal retention, kidnapping for ransom, emotional and psychological abuse of animals and people.

Kia, her dog mother, seeks legal paths together with a law firm specializing in animal protection and the environment, to rescue them from the hands of someone who appears to be an animal protector, when in fact he is an emotional abuser of people and the same. animals.


Trisaltatio, fitness for the soul

Fitness, dance, music and emotional health training series (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, in which the origin of the (8) eight ways of the technique to heal emotions called: Trisaltatio stretching, cardio, dancing, flow, acrobat, boxing  & weight, and performance .

From the hand of one of the most relevant trainers in the fitness industry in Colombia and Latin America.

The Venezuelan trainer Orestes Mavárez develops, together with Kia, some gastronomic secrets to keep fit.

They do this without neglecting the more than (3000) three thousand choreographies, together with their (6) six techniques to train the vital, physical, emotional, etheric and mental body.

orestes entrenando_edited_edited_edited.jpg

Trisaltatio Cardio

Fitness, dance, music and emotional health training series (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, in which se  shows the origin of the (4th) fourth of the routes of the training technique to heal emotions called: Trisaltatio cardio.

Hand in hand with Kia you manage to develop new fat burning techniques, cardiovascular conditioning in fusion dance on the treadmill.

En la caminadora

Trisaltatio Acrobat.

Fitness, dance, music and emotional health training series (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, in which se  shows the origin of the (6a) sixth of the ways of the training technique to heal emotions called: Trisaltatio Acrobat.

From the hand of Kia and her dancers you manage to develop various acrobatic techniques.

Mujeres practicando Acroyoga

Trisaltatio Dancing.

Fitness, dance, music and emotional health training series (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, in which se  shows the origin of the (5th) fifth of the routes of the training technique to heal emotions called: Trisaltatio dancing.

From the hand of Kia and her dancers you manage to develop various dance techniques on the floor.

Bailarines modernos

M Live sessions

Series of interviews and live shows in natural settings of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, in which national and international artists are presented talking about their stories, experience,  their music and creativity  that accompanies them and has led them to success.



Mosorau E Studio

Series of live shows, in the chroma format, of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes.


There,  Djs and invited artists from different parts of the world show their art, and the particular way they have of creating new music with all the senses.

DJ de lujo

Gastronomy Mo Sora (My heaven).

Gastronomic series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes.

Fusion and organic gastronomy is accompanied by (12) twelve guests from different departments of Colombia.

Each one of them shows the creative cuisine that seeks to heal the body, and also the soul.

comida sana

The archeology of music (salsa)

Historical chronicle series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes.

Salsa as a musical trend comes from a fusion connected with the old orchestras of the 1930s: "the Big Bands".

However, there are archaeological finds of this music that has generated great lyrics, trends, fashion and artists, even more ancient and ancient than the time in question.

This series seeks, through national and international guest artists, to take a journey through that anthropological past that traces the details, the flavor and the mixture that created the new contemporary music.




When the red ant hardens the earth,
The theory of anger as a living organism. 

Documentary series that mixes investigation, storytelling, fiction thriller and drama of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes.

This story based on Kia Bo Roi's research through the (5) five departments of Colombia that takes us into the vast universe of the emotion of anger and its interference in the emotional transformation of individuals.


Learning to observe how emotions operate, thanks to his ethnoanthropological research and his gifts of clairvoyance, allow us to understand the great value of positive and negative emotions in the behavior of the physical, vital, emotional, mental, etheric and keteric energy fields. of the human and non-human beings that inhabit this planet.

Tierra de jardín

Marcher pendant que vous parlez!

Travel series and biographies on learning the French language , of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes.

The you tuber invited to direct the series shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and geography in their native language.

Un paseo por París

Ambulans inte loqui!

Travel series and biographies on learning Latin as an ancient language and cornerstone of Spanish and the Romance languages.


The you tuber invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world while sharing and teaching us the historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in this language.


Plaza de San Pedro

Gehen, während sie sprechen!

Travel and Biographies Series on Learning German .


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in their native language .


Casas en Tauber Alemania


Hanashite iru ma aruku!)

Travel and Biographies Series on Learning Japanese .


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in their native language .


Chica en kimono tradicional japonés

 Walking my parles!  


Travel series and biographies on learning Catalan .


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in their native language .


Monumento barcelonés


Biān zǒubiān shuōhuà  

Travel and Biographies Series on Learning Traditional Chinese .


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in their native language .


Por la gran muralla china

Nrin nigba ti or ba sọrọ

Travel series and biographies on learning Yoruba , as one of the most important African languages on the continent.


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in their native language .


Moda Tradicional

تمشي وأنت تتحدث

tamshiy wa'ant tatahadath

Travel series and biographies on learning Arabic , as one of the most important African languages on the continent.


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in their native language .



loop terwyl jy praat

Travel series and biographies on learning Afrikaans , as one of the most important African languages on the continent.


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in their native language .


Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica

Primary Basic Education

Legere et legentibus  

ανάγνωση και αναγνώστες

(Anagnosi kai anagnostes)

Reading and Readers

Travel series and biographies on learning to read as one of the fundamental pillars in the construction of knowledge from solid foundations and the development of a powerful mind. 


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin of reading. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first nine languages.


Leer en una librería

Primary Basic Education

Partum scripturae  

Δημιουργικό γράψιμο

Dimiourgikó grapsimo

Creative writing and paleography.

Travel series and biographies on learning to write as one of the fundamental pillars in the construction of knowledge from solid foundations and the development of a powerful mind. 


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin of writing and its forms. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first nine languages.


Escritura de la mano

Primary Basic Education

χημεία και πειράματα

chimeía kai peirámata

Chemistry and experiments

Travel series and biographies on learning chemistry as one of the fundamental pillars in the appreciation and understanding of how matter is transformed, how changes are produced on it, what its composition is, and the properties it acquires, each time bodies or organisms undergo modifications. 


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin of chemistry. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first nine languages.



Clase de quimica

Primary Basic Education




Travel series and biographies on learning and the art of drawing maps and geographical charts of the territories. All this in order to discover the shape, areas, surfaces inhabited and not inhabited by humans and non-humans.


This is a new look at the social sciences.  

The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin of geography and the new territories that are configured on earth. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first nine languages.


Mapa de viejo

Primary Basic Education



Travel series and biographies on learning  of mamalogy, theriology , mammalology or area that studies the anatomy of mammalian animals and their nearly 4,200 species considered as part of this natural group that inhabits the planet land .  This series explores some of these species.


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin of mammalogy. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first nine languages.

Tigre en el parque zoológico que acaricia

Primary Basic Education




Travel series and biographies on learning about the myths and cosmogony of multiple cultures and ways of seeing the conception of God and the way in which world religions are culturally consolidated.  

The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin and study of religions. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first (9) nine languages.



Primary Basic Education




Travel series and biographies about learning philosophy, its thinkers and how they built the different ways of seeing the world.

The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of origin and study of epistemology. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first (9) nine languages.


La muerte de Sócrates

Primary Basic Education



Travel series and biographies about learning meditation as the discipline of silence and breathing that allow the elevation of the spirit and the observation of the invisible world.

The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin and study of meditation. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first (9) nine languages.


Primary Basic Education

The logics of karma and dharma.

Travel series and biographies on the learning and study of karma and dharma as paths that allow us to understand how these two aspects of life operate in decision-making and in the destiny of people.

The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin and study of one of the fundamental spiritual laws that help to expand consciousness. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first (9) nine languages.

Hindú del tatuaje de dios

Primary Basic Education

Body history.

Travel series and biographies on the learning and study of the body in terms of the historical conception that has accompanied the emotional and physical habits that have transformed the body in individuals.


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin and study of one of the fundamental spiritual laws that help to expand the consciousness of the body. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first (9) nine languages.


Cuerpo positivo

Primary Basic Education


Travel series and biographies on the learning and study of Physics and the laws that allow the study of natural phenomena, excluding the molecular transformation of bodies .

The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of origin and study of physics. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first (9) nine languages.


Crash controlador

Kia, the little buddha girl.

Series that mixes the trip, the documentary, the fiction thriller, the storytelling and the drama of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, in which the story of Kia Bo Roi as a researcher in the correlation that exists between the anthropology of emotions, economics and karma.

In this series we undertake the journey to rediscover the paths that lead to the healing of the human and non-human soul through the theory of transmigration or reincarnation.


Kia shows us the journey she has had to go through to remember her ancient life as a child lama more than (11) eleven centuries ago.

Her gift to travel through the human heart and see with the eyes of the spirit, leads her to travel through her inner world to ancient Tibet to collect the information that allows her to restore emotion and heal the soul of human beings.  

shita yo.jpg

Trisaltatio Stretching

Fitness, dance, music and emotional health training series (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, in which se  shows the origin of the (2nd) second of the routes of the training technique to heal emotions called: Trisaltatio stretching.


Together with Kia you manage to develop new muscle stretching techniques in the dance-ballet fusion.

Las bailarinas jóvenes durante pracitce

Trisaltatio Boxing & Weight.

Fitness, dance, music and emotional health training series (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, in which se  shows the origin of the (3rd) third of the ways of the training technique to heal emotions called: Trisaltatio boxing & Weight.

From the hand of Kia you manage to develop the technique of fat burning and muscle toning in the fusion of boxing and dance.

Sesión de boxeo

Trisaltatio Performance.

Fitness, dance, music and emotional health training series (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, in which se  shows the origin of the (7th) seventh of the pathways of the training technique to heal emotions called: Trisaltatio Performance.

Hand in hand with Kia, her dancers,   musicians and singers, you manage to heal the emotion in the middle of a live show.

fuegos artificiales

Trisaltatio Flow.

Fitness, dance, music and emotional health training series (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, in which se  shows the origin of the (8th) eighth of the pathways of the training technique to heal emotions called: Trisaltatio Flow.

From the hand of Kia and her dancers you manage to develop the dance technique with ribbons and ropes in the air.

Rendimiento de balanceo


How to heal the human soul?

Series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, that mixes travel documentaries, reality shows, thirller de  fiction, storytelling along with music, dance, singing and show .

Together with its musicians, artists, singers and dancers, Kia travels to various places on the planet such as Africa, Ireland, Iceland, India and the (6) six countries of the Amazon basin to find the shamans, protectors and ancestral guardians of the beings humans.


Each one of them holds the keys to heal the human soul through the most powerful tools that human beings possess: art.


The archeology of cooking

Travel series, of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes.

The new ancestral gastronomy is accompanied by (12) twelve guests, from (6) six countries of the Amazon basin, (3) three countries in Central America and (3) three Caribbean islands.

Each one of them shows the ancient cuisine together with the new awareness of food: that these are instruments through which emotions and art are conveyed.

Disfrutando de la comida rápida

My Nobuki Garden

Travel series, of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes.

The new conception of architecture and urbanism through gardening and the world of plants, stones and flowers is accompanied by (5) five guests and experts, from Japan, Greece, Colombia, Peru and Brazil.  

These places, inhabited by emotions and art, allow us to see how plants and groves manage to transform and heal human and animal emotions.

jardín Botánico

The spiritual protector under the skin. 

Anthropological and travel series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes.

This journey takes us into the vast universe of tattoos and their interference in the emotional transformation of the individuals who wear them.


Each stroke and drawing on the skin evidences the spiritual protector that each person carries within, as well as an aspect of spiritual power and the emotional nature that inhabits the wearer.

Learning to observe this magical fusion between the tattoo and the wearer allows us to understand the multidiversity of human and non-human beings that inhabit this planet.

Pareja tatuado

Walking while you talk!

Travel series and biographies on learning the English language , of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes.

The you tuber and influencer invited to direct the series shows us their world while sharing historiography, linguistics, customs, and geography in their native language.

Se tu

I will walk while I talk!

Travel series and biographies on learning the Italian language , of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes.

The you tuber and influencer invited to direct the series shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and geography in their native language.

Arcos del Coliseo

περπατώντας ενώ μιλάτε!

Perpatóntas enó miláte!

Travel series and biographies about learning Greek as an ancient language and cornerstone of Spanish and the Romance languages.


The you tuber invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us his world while sharing and teaching historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in his native language.



Walking, as soon as you fala!    

Travel and Biographies Series on Learning Portuguese .


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in their native language .


Bailarines de carnaval

  ¡ ходить, пока вы говорите!

Khodit´, poka vy govorite!  

Travel and Biographies Series on Learning Russian .


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in their native language .


la catedral de la intercesión

 راه رفتن در حالی  

 که صحبت می کنید

Travel and Biographies Series on Learning Persian .


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in their native language .


Orar islámica

Sen konuşurken yürümek  

Travel series and biographies on learning Turkish .


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in their native language .


Paisaje de Amasra

말하면서 걷는다

Malhamyeonseo geodneunda

Travel series and biographies on learning Korean , as one of the most important African languages on the continent.


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in their native language .


Billetes de Corea del Sur

ללכת בזמן

שאתהללכת בזמן

Travel series and biographies on learning Hebrew , as one of the most important African languages on the continent.


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in their native language .


Por el Muro Occidental

hodanje dok pričaš

Travel and Biographies Series on Learning Croatian .


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography in their native language .


Anfiteatro de Pula Croacia

Primary Basic Education



Travel series and biographies on learning mathematics as one of the fundamental pillars in the construction of the domestic economy, as a microeconomics, as well as the macroeconomics of the States.

Mathematics as the great mother of finance, administration, accounting, statistics, engineering, architecture, music, and all areas of knowledge.

they allow to consolidate a practical and powerful mind to project practical life on this plane. 

The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin of mathematics. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first nine languages.


Fórmulas Matemáticas

Primary Basic Education




Travel series and biographies on learning Biology as one of the fundamental pillars in the observation of the vital processes of cells and the structures that make up organisms.

The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin of biology. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first nine languages.

Células madre embrionarias

Primary Basic Education




Travel series and biographies on the learning of anthropology as one of the fundamental pillars of the social sciences, which allows us to understand the very particular forms and expressions that social groups and communities have, depending on the emotional, cultural, geographical territory, political and economic they inhabit.

The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin of anthropology. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first nine languages.

La recolección de hojas de té

Primary Basic Education



Travel series and biographies on the learning and knowledge of human anatomy . In this series you can appreciate how forms, structures, organs are studied and how each of these parts that make up the human body interact with each other.

The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin of anatomy. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first nine languages.


Anatomy Drawing

Primary Basic Education




Travel series and biographies on learning Music as one of the fundamental pillars in the construction of high creativity and healthy emotional and mental health.

The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin of music. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first nine languages.


Clase de musica

Primary Basic Education

σχέδιο και ζωγραφική

schédio kai zografiki

Drawing and painting

Travel series and biographies on learning the many techniques of drawing and painting . The tour of the techniques takes us to the history of art, the artists, their stories and their works.


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin and study of art. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first (9) nine languages.


Clase de arte

Primary Basic Education




Travel series and biographies on learning ethics as a philosophical discipline that studies good and evil and its relationship with morality, the rules of law and human behavior.

The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of origin and study of ethics. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first (9) nine languages.


Amor de madre e hija

Primary Basic Education

anthropology of emotions.

Travel series and biographies on the learning and study of emotions as ways to know the human heart and soul.

The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of origin and study of emotions. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first (9) nine languages.

Mujer alegre

Primary Basic Education

The codes of love.

Travel series and biographies on the learning and study of the kamasutra and the fleur de lis as the ancient books of an amatory nature that delve into the understanding of the languages that love, pleasure, gender and sex possess in cultures.


The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin and study of one of the fundamental spiritual laws that help to expand the consciousness of love, pleasure and sex. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first (9) nine languages.


Cuidado de la piel

Primary Basic Education

New technologies, software and virtuality.

Travel series and biographies on learning and studying new technologies.


This includes the study of computer science, the operating knowledge of computer hardware, as well as software development.


All this, accompanied by a new understanding of virtuality and the permanent use of social networks to interconnect with the daily life of the planet.

The you tuber or influencer invited to direct the series of (12) twelve chapters, of (60) sixty minutes, shows us their world from the perspective of the reader, while sharing and teaching us historiography, linguistics, customs, and ancestral geography of the origin and study of one of the new technologies and virtuality. Made in Spanish and dubbed into the first (9) nine languages.


Clase de tecnologia

©2022 Proudly created by Kia Bo Roi &

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